Look through the liquid at the bottom of a drinking glass. What do you see?

Look through glass containers filled with colored liquids. Now look through it to a a screen.

Cook in the dark. Paint in the dark. What do you see?

Find the purest image of color you can. Take a screenshot. Take a screenshot of that screen shot.

Repeat this one hundred times. What happens? What do you see?

Fill a bath with the purest liquid form of a color. Take a bath.

Now fill a pool and swim in it. What?

Look at a solid colored screen through another screen. Take a picture. Zoom in. What do you see?



Specific moments of color, fleeting, can't be captured in hue, hex, or photograph. Like the color attached to vintage fabrics, the faded off-white of my favorite t-shirt, the bright colors of vintage wool and cotton, in old paints, the flush of red blood vessels behind dewy skin, the purple of bruised skin or bags under eyes, the gold stripes of a setting sun through half-closed blinds. We don't have words/language to name it in a technical sense. Color attached to other elements: surface, light, memory, time. What is any color of silk without its liquid metal texture woven in? What is the color of skin without the many textural variations and imperfections of its ever-changing biome? How can we experience color in its purest form? What would happen if we tried to separate light and color (scientifically, conceptually, imaginatively)? Are certain colors "extinct" (ie. we no longer have the chemicals, materials, environments to produce or experience them)? Can we imagine/dream new colors or colors we haven't seen before in real-life? What would a space without color look like (is this impossible)? What would a space of a single color in its purest form look like? A space with as many objects of a single color in it as possible? A space with a single object in as many colors as possible in it?